Banner for the Summer Small Biz Showcase hosted by Michele Swinick where Taylor Wellman discusses the 3 videos every business owner should be using.


“Everything Home” with Michele Swinick asked our co-owner, Taylor Wellman to be a part of the “Summer Small Biz Showcase” five minute podcast to share the 3 Business videos everyone should using.  This is a five minute segment where she asks business owners she trusts to come on and share useful information. In this podcast, our very own Taylor Wellman explains the three videos every business owner should be using in their marketing to be more successful.

Top 3 Videos Every Business Should Use-

  1. An Introductory video of :60 seconds to :90 seconds. This is going to be your first impression video that you’re going to put on all your social media accounts. Pin to the top of your Facebook page, add to your Linkedin profile, link to your email signature and add to the top of your website. This is going to let people know what you’re all about.
  2. Testimonial videos, you want to work hard to get the third party validation you deserve! People love to read and hear reviews prior to purchasing, so help yourself and get more testimonial videos. They don’t need to be studio quality, they just need to be real.
  3. Subject matter expert videos. These are going to be videos that are :60 seconds or less for the most part so you can use them across all social media sites, and show your contacts that you are the trusted resource to work with in your industry.

Using these three videos will help you be more successful in marketing as a business, however there are of course many more videos that can be useful to you. Please reach out to us for complimentary 1/2 hour strategy session or visit our training page to learn more about how you can do video marketing on your own!